Tribulation: The Midpoint

Old Fort Baptist Church show

Summary: The TRIBULATION…according to definition, it is a period of time when those who chose not to follow the teachings of Christ were left behind for worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain and suffering. Hello and welcome to Old Fort Baptist Church in Summerville, South Carolina where for decades the Truth of God’s Word has been preached for all to hear. Today Pastor Eric Lethco continues his series called THE FINAL CHAPTER with his message on the TRIBULATION. If you recall, last week we reminded you of an Old Testament scripture from Daniel 12:1 that tells us there will be a time of distress like we have never seen before. Will you or I even experience the distress of which Daniel speaks? Only you or I have that answer because it depends on our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So open your Bible and join with us as Pastor Eric helps us understand the TRIBULATION.