Learning To Live By Faith

Old Fort Baptist Church show

Summary: In the King James translation of the Bible, there is a word that appears 247 times. In other translations, such as the New American Standard Bible or the New International Version, you will see this word almost 400 times. It must be a pretty important word. What do you suppose it is? Hello and welcome to Old Fort Baptist Church in Summerville, South Carolina where for decades the Truth of God’s Word has been preached for all to hear. Pastor Eric Lethco continues his discipleship series READY, SET, GO with the word for today…FAITH. The text for the message comes from Luke 9:12-17. It’s a familiar passage about twelve disciples, around five thousand men, five loaves of bread, two fish and one God…the perfect combination for a late afternoon picnic. 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us “We live by faith, not by sight” and “without faith it is impossible to please God” says Hebrews 11:6. So you see, faith is a very important word and that’s why Pastor Eric shares today’s message LEARNING TO LIVE BY FAITH. Open your Bible and join with us as we all get READY, get SET and GO.