Learn the #1 gift for your wife on Mother’s Day!

Dads Unplugged show

Summary: With Mother's Day around the corner, how about a show that gives you a critical resource: what to get the mother of your children on Mother's Day! Find out what women really want on today's show and find out why men keep giving her the wrong gifts on her special day. AskMen.com (http://askmen.com) is leading us all astray! Also, what love song (http://jasonmraz.com/?show_four_letter_word=false)would you play for the mother of your kids on Sunday? I have one picked out. Do you? And we say goodbye to someone who really messed all of us up as kids: Maurice Sendak. The author of "Where the Wild Things Are" died at age 83 on May 8th and he leaves a legacy. Was it good for you? If you want to laugh with him, might I suggest his interview with Stephen Colbert, Part 1 & Part 2 (http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/406796/january-24-2012/grim-colberty-tales-with-maurice-sendak-pt--1).