Let’s drink Organic Beer until we drop!

Dads Unplugged show

Summary: Craig Nicholls shared with us the joy of his yearly event,  the North American Organic Beer Festival (http://www.naobf.org/). It's about good times, family and organic beer! Then we travelled across the world to learn how Marc-Antoine DeMees, the owner of Brunehaut Brewery (http://brunehaut.com/products.php) in Belgium makes real Gluten Free Organic beer and why. Finally, we return to Portland to talk with Mike Wright, who started brewing in his basement only to jump off the cliff of life and join the big boys. Now he produces 8 different beers, which are all on tap at his tasting room in his Commons Brewery (http://www.commonsbrewery.com/). Just livin' the dream boys. Anyone else thirsty?