Organic vs Conventional – Just Eat It!

Dads Unplugged show

Summary: The American Academy of Pediatrics ( says Just Eat It! They say it doesn't matter whether it's Organic or Conventional, even though they admit that conventionally grown fruits and vegetables have many more pesticides. Todd and Kent had a field day with this one. How can our Doctors want us to be healthy and yet tell us to eat foods that can make us sick? By the way, click here ( to see the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 fruits and vegetables. You don't have to buy everything organic. Speaking of what to buy, Todd and Laura want a new car, well a used Subaru. But is that the best car to buy? Kent unveils his hidden talent as a car guy. He almost sold Todd on the Volvo, but he had some other suggestions that might keep all of us and our kids safe this winter. Finally, is College over-rated? Newsweek ( is asking that question. Todd and Kent are answering it. Hey, college is for partying and socializing, so if you are up for paying $100,000 foryour kid to learn those skills, then it's a great deal. How can we fix this problem? It's easy. Todd's answer could change the way you prepare your teen for the next few years. It might also help get rid of the whole "Kids living at home after college" issue.