CP 45: The Heavy Unlocks

Control Point show

Summary: A week with the Heavy Unlocks. What do your hosts think about them? Chaos was busy getting his son’s foot sewn back on from a dispenser malfunction accident, so he was not able to make this podcast. [MP3 AUDIO] But don’t fret, there’ still a bunch of stuff worth listening to: [Thread of the Week] What sprays have YOU collected? (by Terin) [HEAVY UNLOCK] Introducing the Sandvich [VIDEO] The Dark Fortress by Lagspike [Class Discussion] The Heavy Unlocks Video] How to Headshot WesWilson by Dontrush Video] GF TF2 Heavy Update by Simon Cottee [SKIN] Meet the Control Point Sandvich (by SuperChickenHunter) Ubercharged.net needs Coffee! TF2 Wiki: Control Point Podcast page Listener Contributions AND DON’T FORGET TO DIGG THIS EPISODE! and much much more!