Show # 48 - Fred gets down and dirty with 1's & 0's

Four Dudes on Tech show

Summary: Show #48; June 1st, 2010 Four Dudes On Tech Podcast More Japanese Robot News... * From cnet: "Japan plans $2 billion robot moon base by 2020" Nate ♥'s Lasers From The Daily Galaxy: "FLASH Laser Leads to Discovery of New State of Matter" A brief dramatic reading by Four Dudes on Tech * "Just burped up a false eyelash. Anyone's guess how that got there." * "Happy Memorial Day. I celebrated our fallen soldiers by sneakin' up behind a foreigner and sockin 'im in the kidney." * "Look here, fella, drug-induced delusions of invincibility is my middle name." * "Aw, hell. If I had a nickel for every time I woke up with a monitoring bracelet on, I could buy another 5th." Woman follows Google Map instead of common sense. * "After Googling walking directions for a trip in Park City, Utah, Lauren Rosenberg claims she was led onto a busy highway, where she was struck by a vehicle. She’s now suing Google for damages." * "In the screenshot above, you can see that Google quite clearly warns: 'Walking directions are in beta. Use caution – This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.' That would seem to negate part of the suit’s claim — except that Rosenberg used a Blackberry. The Blackberry version of Google Maps might not have carried this warning." * So is Google and the dude that struck her with his car responsible for her not using common sense? You can clearly see from the pictures in the article that the road in question was not pedestrian friendly. Its on! Processor war! AMD just got served! * From The Tech Report: "Intel's Core i7-875K and i5-655K processors" * This new "K" series of chips is meant to directly compete with AMD's Black Edition processors that "removed clock speed caps and made overclocking dead simple—without the huge price premium traditionally commanded by Extreme Edition and FX processors." * Lots of great charts and graphs on page 2 of this article. My nips were cutting glass while I was reading them. "Training Mode" Has a Whole New Level of Meaning: Gamers have better dream recall, Canadian study finds * Although being pieced together from surveys and not clinical data--though that's next to come--Psychology Faculty Member Jayne Gackenbach (awesome, right?) claims that gamers experience more vivid and intense dreams, with higher frequencies of lucid dream occurrence. * This explains all of my "abandoned old mansion full of gun-wielding strange things" nightmares. No, I'm not kidding, either. * Super Relevant/Hilarious: Gackenbach also asserts that "--Gamers didn't code nightmares as 'threatening.' Rather, they seemed to be having fun." I finally have something to cite when people think I'm lying or psychotic when I say I love my nightmares.