Episode 54 – Competition and 40k: Part 1

The Independent Characters - Warhammer 40k Podcast | Radio show

Summary: With the release of Episode 54 we begin our series of discussions around Competition and how it relates to Warhammer 40k. We seek to break down the argument that ‘Competitive’ play is either good or bad for the game, and look at how it impacts Warhammer 40k from a variety of perspectives. Obviously we will take some time to discuss Hobby Progress, and discuss our games played. Carl attended Kubla Con in Northern California and he talks about his worst performance at an event so far. Last but not least, we give our ‘Bang for Your Buck’ review of Imperial Armour: Model Masterclass Volume 2. Is the book worth buying? How does it stack up to Volume 1? We go in depth about it and discuss if it is worth your hard earned coin or not. Finally, we also talk about the first ever West Coast Podcast Alliance Goldent Ticket Event! Is this something you might be interested in? Find out at the end of the episode. We hope you enjoy! Show Timestamps Show Overview and intro – 00:00:00 The Workbench & Games Played – 00:04:50 Competitive Play – 01:11:30 Competitive Play and Warhammer 40k – 02:22:30 Overview of Imperial Armour Model Masterclass Vol 2 – 03:13:20 WCPA Golden Ticket Event Info – 03:37:00 Show Closing – 03:40:45 Links: KR Multicase – SPONSOR Secret Weapon Miniatures! – SPONSOR Smells Like Wargaming – SPONSOR Model Bits – SPONSOR IC Campaign Site Forge World Games Workshop The Black Library Endgame Oakland Game Kastle Frontline Gaming We recommend downloading the episode as opposed to listening through the site. We seem to hit some type of process limit on days we release the episode, but it only affects people listening from the site directly. The Independent Characters – Episode 54