New Life Live: November 6, 2012

New Life Live! with Steve Arterburn show

Summary: Topics: Addictions, Alcoholics, Grief, Dating, Anger, Adult Children, Marriage, Sex, Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. John Townsend, Dr. Sheri Denham Caller Questions: Thank you from a recovering addict. I broke up with my alcoholic boyfriend a year ago. Why am I still grieving? How can I help my 22yo son with his anger issues? My husband said if I give him more sex, our marriage would be great. I love the mom of my 8yo daughter. Why can't I let her go? Suggested Resources: Life Recovery Bible How People Grow How to be a Best Friend Forever Boundaries in Marriage Rescue Your Love Life Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE Podcast via iTunes or streaming audio from Stitcher, the Smart Radio App.