The Book Beyond the Page: Book Fairs, Screen Festivals and Writers’ Weeks

School of English, Communications and Performance Studies, Monash University  show

Summary: Books have a rich public life beyond the printed page. This paper will consider three key fora through which book content circulates: international book fairs; screen festivals; and writers’ weeks. In particular it will investigate how these phenomena incubate the adaptation of book content into other media, and how such adaptations are then marketed back to book-centric audiences. Simone Murray is Senior Lecturer in Communications and Media Studies and Director of the Centre for the Book at Monash University. Her research focuses on the interface of the book with other communications media, particularly via digital multiformatting of content. Her book Mixed Media: Feminist Presses and Publishing Politics (Pluto Press UK) was awarded the 2005 SHARP DeLong Book Prize for the best book on print culture published during 2004. Her current research focuses on the industrial substructures of book-to-screen adaptations of literary prize-winners, and how such research can combine book history, print culture and media studies perspectives.