Episode 91 - Goodfellas/Scarface

So I Married A Movie Geek show

Summary: It's an organized crime DOUBLE FEATURE in yo ears, ya'll! And two of the most popular ones of all time at that: Goodfellas (1990) and Scarface (1983)! Did Krissy stay awake through the multi-hour -  bang bang, eff this, eff that - adventures with Henry Hill and Tony Montana? Was she disgusted by the extreme violence and bad language? You'll have to listen to find out! We also discuss DOING TONS OF COKE!!!!, Scorsese, mafia life lessons, Joe Pesci, stirring the sauce, good vs. bad soundtracks, chainsaw shopping, Michelle Pfeiffer's dancing skills, drug tents, Steven Bauer's finest role, Dances With Wolves, donating to D.A.R.E. and much more! We even unveil what might be the worst Tony Montana impressions done by anyone ever. All with lots of F bombs because, well, have you seen these movies?