Episode #35 – March for Life

In Between Sundays – A podcast for young adults. show

Summary: It’s pro-life week and in honor of that, we have Mary Kay Culp from Kansans for Life on our show to talk about the pro-life march and what Kansans for Life does. Listen to find out more about this important week.<br> This week, as part of our news, we have decided to talk about our new favorite iPhone application, Words with Friends. It’s a great game where you can play over the net with other friends, either live or in taking individual turns.<br> As part of our interview segment, Mary Kay Culp talks with us about the Roe vs. Wade supreme court decision and how it has affected the world. Ever year, on the anniversary of that decision, a group of people march on our nation’s capital in order to show their disagreement with the court’s decision.<br> Looking ahead, we are in our planning process for our next few months. In that, we are hoping to put together a simulcast with the Busted Halo show. Stay tuned for a that show in the future.<br> If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, head to <a href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/">InBetweenSundays.com</a> and go to the right hand side of our page to become a fan of our podcast. If you would like to send us feedback, e-mail it to feedback@inbetweensundays.com or call us at (206) 337-7945. Lastly, if you like this podcast you can find more great free Catholic content at <a href="http://www.sqpn.com/">SQPN.com</a><br> “In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.<br> Links<br> <a id="to7o" title="Haiti Links to Help" href="http://mashable.com/2010/01/13/haiti-earthquake-donate-help/">Links to Help Haiti Earthquake Victims</a><br> <a id="ad8k" title="SQPN Giving Campaign" href="http://www.sqpn.com/donate">SQPN Giving Campaign</a><br> <a id="ccmz" title="Missouri Right to Life" href="http://www.missourilife.org/">Missouri Right to Life</a><br> <a id="mpir" title="Kansans For Life" href="http://www.kfl.org/">Kansans For Life</a><br> <a id="wgz6" title="national right to life committee website" href="http://www.nrlc.org/">National Right to Life Committee</a><br> <a id="mt-5" title="Wesley Smith" href="http://www.wesleyjsmith.com/">Wesley Smith</a><br> <a id="k54s" title="Stem Cell Research" href="http://stemcellresearch.org/">Stem Cell Research</a><br> <a id="z3og" title="Life News" href="http://lifenews.com/">Life News</a><br> <a id="xq6v" title="Kansans For Life Blog" href="http://kansansforlife.wordpress.com/">Kansans For Life Blog</a><br> <a id="tpc-" title="Jaime Thieten" href="http://jtmusic.net/home/">Jaime Thieten</a><br> <a id="z6ep" title="Jen's Blogathon" href="http://www.khouria.wordpress.com/">Jen’s Haiti Blogathon: Saturday January 30th</a><br>