Episode #36 – A Story of Redemption

In Between Sundays – A podcast for young adults. show

Summary: Paul Davis is our featured guest this week. During the show he talks to us about his journey to making better decisions. When he was younger, Paul made a bad decision which affected the rest of his life. Want to hear more? Listen in to our episode to hear the interview.<br> To start off the show, we have two new lines from Steph in Wisconsin and Jessica, who left a comment on a previous episode.<br> In our news segment, we talk about a card trick that Paul Camarata sent us. It’s a pretty cool trick. Along with the magic trick, we talk about an article that Lisa Hendey sent us about the Pope embracing new media as a means to evangelization. The Vatican now his its own YouTube channel and recognizes the need to use technology to help people share their faith.<br> During our interview, Paul Davis tells us about his amazing story from high school to get him to where he is now. His story is filled with a message of hope and reliance on God. If you are looking for something to help you put your own life into perspective, take a listen.<br> This week, we received a lot of feedback from our listeners. To close out the show, we read some of the feedback we have received and play some audio feedback from Barb in Nebraska. She called in to tell us that she really enjoyed our Mom’s pumpkin bread recipe. Interested in getting a copy of it? Email us and let us know that you donated to SQPN and we’ll send you a copy of the recipe.<br> If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, head to <a href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/">InBetweenSundays.com</a> and go to the right hand side of our page to become a fan of our podcast. If you would like to send us feedback, e-mail it to feedback@inbetweensundays.com or call us at (206) 337-7945. Lastly, if you like this podcast you can find more great free Catholic content at <a href="http://www.sqpn.com/">SQPN.com</a><br> “In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.<br> Links<br> <a id="to7o" title="Haiti Links to Help" href="http://mashable.com/2010/01/13/haiti-earthquake-donate-help/">Links to Help Haiti Earthquake Victims</a><br> <a id="ad8k" title="SQPN Giving Campaign" href="http://www.sqpn.com/donate">SQPN Giving Campaign</a><br> <a id="z6ep" title="Jen's Blogathon" href="http://www.khouria.wordpress.com/">Jen’s Haiti Blogathon: Saturday January 30th</a><br> <a href="http://biggeekdaddy.com/humorpages/Humor/BestCardTrick.html" target="_blank">Best Card Trick Video from Paul Camarata</a><br> <a id="h6.p" title="http://www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer.htm" href="http://www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer.htm">http://www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer.htm</a><br> <a id="f28-" title="E-mail Paul our Guest" href="mailto:drocforever@ymail.com">E-mail Paul our Guest</a><br> <a id="hi2h" title="Paul Camarata's SaintCast" href="http://www.saintcast.org/">Paul Camarata’s SaintCast</a><br>