Episode #37 – The Liturgy of the Hours

In Between Sundays – A podcast for young adults. show

Summary: Have you ever wanted to know more about praying the psalms? It turns out that there’s a way to do that – it’s called the Liturgy of the Hours and it is the prayer of the Church. If you have ever wanted to know more about these prayers, listen to Nick’s explanation of them then check out SQPN’s <a id="ccqq" title="praystation portable" href="http://sqpn.com/category/prayer-and-spirituality/praystation-portable/">praystation portable</a>.<br> To kick off our show, we have a good amount of news about sports. This weekend is <a id="or._" title="Super Bowl" href="http://www.nfl.com/superbowl/44">Super Bowl</a>weekend so we decided to talk a little bit about the New Orleans Saints and some of the ads that will air during the <a id="t_d6" title="Super Bowl" href="http://www.nfl.com/superbowl/44">Super Bowl</a>. Finally, Jen in Montana sent us an interesting piece of news about the top prospect of the Athletics deciding to become a priest.<br> During the show, we talk about how the <a id="jnwk" title="Liturgy of the Hours" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0899424066?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=inbetweensundays-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0899424066">Liturgy of the Hours</a> is a way of adding a certain rhythm of prayer to your life and how the psalms contain the entire range of human emotions. We highly suggest you take a look at this form of prayer and see if it is something that you are able to fit into your life.<br> If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, head to <a href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/">InBetweenSundays.com</a> and go to the right hand side of our page to become a fan of our podcast. If you would like to send us feedback, e-mail it to <a id="ge:n" title="feedback@inbetweensundays.com" href="mailto:feedback@inbetweensundays.com">feedback@inbetweensundays.com</a> or call us at (206) 337-7945. Lastly, if you like this podcast you can find more great free Catholic content at <a href="http://www.sqpn.com/">SQPN.com</a><br> “In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.<br> Links:<br> <a id="qqup" title="The Liturgy of the Hours" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0899424066?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=inbetweensundays-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0899424066">Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours</a><br> <a id="vu-n" title="Census Super Bowl Ad" href="http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/02/03/taxpayers-fork-million-single-census-ad-super-bowl/">Census Super Bowl Ad</a><br> <a id="j1j2" title="Athletics Prospect Decides to Become a Priest" href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100123/ap_on_sp_ba_ne/bba_athletics_desme">Athletics Prospect Decides to Become a Priest</a><br> <a id="sycu" title="Doppleganger Week is Illegal" href="http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010/02/03/facebook-doppelganger-craze-is-illegal/">Doppleganger Week is Illegal</a><br> <a id="oajn" title="Praystation Portable" href="http://sqpn.com/category/prayer-and-spirituality/praystation-portable/">Praystation Portable</a><br> <a id="yp65" title="Universalis" href="http://www.universalis.com/">Universalis</a><br>