Episode #40 – Cycling for Change

In Between Sundays – A podcast for young adults. show

Summary: Ever wanted to make a difference in the world? If so, have you ever thought about using your bicycle to make that difference? In this episode we sit down with Nick’s friend, Jeremy who is participating in a program called Cycling for Change.<br> This episode is jam-packed full of news, feedback and a great interview. In the news, we talk about some pretty crazy ways that people have been getting excited about their iPhones. Have you ever heard of baking iPhone cookies? Check the links below to find out more.<br> We have gotten a lot of feedback from listeners who want to share what they are doing for Lent. Still looking for a good idea of what to give up or take on for the next 40 days? Tune in during our feedback section to hear what some podcasters and listeners are doing and then take some time to commit to making yourself better for Easter.<br> If you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, head to <a href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/">InBetweenSundays.com</a> and go to the right hand side of our page to become a fan of our podcast. If you would like to send us feedback, e-mail it to <a id="ge:n" title="feedback@inbetweensundays.com" href="mailto:feedback@inbetweensundays.com">feedback@inbetweensundays.com</a> or call us at (206) 337-7945. Lastly, if you like this podcast you can find more great free Catholic content at <a href="http://www.sqpn.com/">SQPN.com</a><br> “In Between Sundays” is podcast dedicated to today’s Christian young adults. The goal is to help you live in the world outside of church. We talk about life as a young adult and ways to grow in faith.<br> Links<br> <a id="m3lz" title="Jeremy Ruzich" href="http://www.photojeremy.com/">Jeremy Ruzich</a><a id="gbvy" title="Get a Free Copy of Rediscovering Catholicism" href="http://www.rediscovercatholicism.com/rediscCath_Joe.html"><br> Rediscovering Catholicism Free Book Offer</a><br> <a id="lca3" title="Buy In Conversation with God from Amazon" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0906138191?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=patrickpadley-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0906138191">In Conversation with God</a><br> <a id="uqof" title="Click here to buy a BTS T-shirt!" href="http://www.inbetweensundays.com/t-shirts">In Between Sundays T-shirts</a><br> <a id="xhly" title="Cycling for Change" href="http://cyclingforchange.org/">Cycling for Change</a><br> <a id="gfdg" title="Article about Being Addicted to the Internet" href="http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010/02/25/internet-addiction-could-appear-on-the-official-list-of-mental/">Article about Being Addicted to the Internet</a><br> <a id="vk4a" title="EyeMobile Eye Makeup" href="http://gadgether.com/the-color-institute%C2%AE-eyemobile-eyeshadow-compact-let-your-eye-speak/">EyeMobile</a><br> <a id="aqj." title="Yum, iPhone Cookies!" href="http://www.cultofmac.com/doh-iphone-cookies/31610">iPhone Cookies</a><br> <a id="k:ha" title="iPhone Wedding Cake" href="http://www.cultofmac.com/pic-of-the-day-a-most-marvelously-detailed-iphone-wedding-cake/19923">iPhone Wedding Cake</a><br>