Half-Life 2 – Cane and Rinse No.56

The Cane and Rinse videogame podcast show

Summary: “Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and shine.”<br> Some twenty years after defeating the Nihilanth on Xen, Dr. Gordon Freeman is brought out of stasis by the mysterious G-Man to defend humanity (and the Vortigaunt) against the alien forces who have enslaved the Earth in Half-Life 2. Leon, Josh and Karl combine to couple with Valve’s multiple Game of the Year 2004 award winner with all the tenacity of a still-beaked Headcrab. Naturally we also enjoy contributions from the forum and Twitter including your Three Word Reviews.<br> This Issue of Cane and Rinse is dedicated to Isabella and Lux Atkins: 2 Whole-Lives.<br> <a href="http://media.blubrry.com/caneandrinse/caneandrinse.com/podcast/cane_and_rinse_issue_fifty_six.mp3">http://media.blubrry.com/caneandrinse/caneandrinse.com/podcast/cane_and_rinse_issue_fifty_six.mp3</a><br>  <br> Music used in this issue:<br> 1: Requiem for Ravenholm by Kelly Bailey<br> 2: Path of Borealis by Kelly Bailey<br> Cane and Rinse 56 was edited by Darren Gargette<br> Do you have an opinion about this particular game or maybe about our podcast in general? Then why not venture into our forum and leave us your feedback. Whilst there you could also interact with our ever-growing and friendly community, in discussing past, present and future videogames (and lots of other stuff too!) and perhaps even arrange some games with like-minded individuals. Sound good? Come and say hello at <a href="http://caneandrinse.com/forum/" target="_blank">The Cane and Rinse forum</a><br> Here Darren G visits the Eastern European branch of Black Mesa in Half-Life 2:<br> <br> Alyx and Gargette Freeman enter City 17 once again:<br> <br> Come check this video out to see if these Half-Life 2 Episodes are worth playing:<br> <br> If you like these Quick Rinse videos you can find many more (plus a few other bits and bobs) over on the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/caneandrinse?feature=mhee" target="_blank">Official Cane and Rinse YouTube channel</a>.<br>