Sounds that mean yes and no

Culips Everyday English Podcast show

Summary: In every language, there are funny little sounds that we make that are very important! In English, we have lots of noises we make while speaking. In this episode, we’re looking at sounds that mean yes and no. Listen closely as Harp and Maura give their best examples of mmhmm, uh-huh, and uh-uh using different tones. Are you going to learn from this episode? Mmhmm. What is a Member? Harp: Mmhmm. Uh-huh. Maura: So, these can be used just like the word yes. They can be used to answer someone, so when you use these sounds in response to a question, it's like you're saying yes. Harp: Or these sounds can be used to agree with someone; to show that you agree with what they've said. Maura: Right. Just like yes. Now, here's where it's a little bit different. You can also use these sounds to show someone that you're listening to what they're saying. So, in English, when you're listening to someone talk and maybe they're talking for 30 seconds or they're telling a bit of a longer story or something with more detail, the listener has to show that they're listening. Harp: Yes. And if you're in person you can just nod, but oftentimes you add a little bit of noise. Expressions from this episode included in the Learning Materials: Mmhmm We could go on Un-huh A fishing rod and bait Guess what What’d you do? To end up To call it a day To make a sound/noise At the last minute Uh-uh Would rather A board game Anyway and anyways Podcast/Learning Materials: Culips English Podcast; Image: The giving heart™