English idioms: to walk on egg shells, to walk on pins and needles, to tread lightly, etc.

Culips Everyday English Podcast show

Summary: Sometimes we have to be sensitive to how other people are feeling. We might even act a certain way because we don’t want to upset them. In this episode, we talk about expressions used for this kind of situation. You might need to walk on pins and needles to keep others happy around you. Too bad everyone isn’t happy all the time! Maura: So maybe there's someone in your life who is having a very bad day. This is the time when you might walk on eggshells, because you wanna be sensitive to how they're feeling and you don't wanna disturb them. Harp: Exactly. Maura: It could be just that specific time or maybe there's someone in your life who is always sensitive and always gets disturbed easily. So in that case, you might always walk on eggshells around them because you know that they get upset very easily. Harp: Yes, exactly. If it's someone who gets angry or upset really easily, you might walk on eggshells around them all the time. Expressions from this episode included in the Learning Materials: Why not To walk on eggshells To snap To be grounded You know what I mean? To walk on pins and needles To bug someone To clean up after yourself To hold a grudge A detention To tread lightly At the drop of a hat IT Anything and everything Podcast/Learning Materials: Culips English Podcast, Photo: ©John Lund