FA122 - Pay Now Podcasting: Put A Buy Button On Your Content

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: Is Podcasting Dead? The Internet world claimed podcasting died in 2009. But, my guest co-host, Dan Andrews of LifestyleBusinessPodcast.com and I know it didn’t die. Hell… Can You Actually Make Money From Podcasting? If anything it got more effective as a marketing medium. This episode is about developing a podcast that will attract a buying audience. People who have big problems or strong desires that they want addressed and they have the money to buy a solution. Dan and I are true believers in podcasting as one of the most effective ways to: network in your market to become a leading authority develop a strong relationship with your audience and get people to pull out their wallet for your products and services. You’ll have to forgive us, we got a little goofy in this episode. Totally Dan’s fault.