Mosaic News - 11/06/12: World News From The Middle East [VIDEO]

Mosaic: World News From The Middle East show

Summary: <p>Russia and Qatar compete over ownership of Syrian people's voice, Britain's Cameron slammed for acting as weapons dealer to Arab despots, Kuwaiti emir vows tough measures against "illegal" protestors, and more.</p><br><br>Russia and Qatar compete over ownership of Syrian people's voice<br>New TV, Lebanon<br><br>Britain's Cameron slammed for acting as weapons dealer to Arab despots<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Militants slaughter five Shia Muslims in Pakistan<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Turkey begins trial of ex-Israeli military chiefs over 2010 flotilla attack<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Kuwaiti emir vows tough measures against 'illegal' protestors<br>Dubai TV, UAE<br><br>Egyptian police come under attack in Sinai<br>BBC Arabic, UK<br><br>American-Israelis overwhelmingly favor Mitt Romney in exit poll<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>IDF soldiers wounded in explosion near Gaza border<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Stray bullets from Syrian Civil War strike IDF jeep in northern Israel<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Peace Now slams Israeli plans to build new housing in West Bank<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Palestinians continue to push for UN non-member status<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman threatens to dismantle PA over UN bid<br>Palestine TV, Ramallah<br><br>Somalia launches weapons collection campaign in bid to disband militias<br>Al Jazeera, Qatar<br><br>