Chanting Your Way Beyond Ego into Bliss with Kurt Bruder (The Explore Your Spirit with Kala Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: Kala and Kailash discuss Following Sound into Silence: Chanting Your Way Beyond Ego into Bliss . In this unique book/CD set, Kailash urges readers to take up chanting as an authentic and effective spiritual practice. Although chanting is an ancient spiritual tool, it is well suited to our contemporary lifestyles. No generation before us has had to contend with the onslaught of voices clamoring for our attention, the chaos of distractions vying for our imaginations and allegiance, or the flood of information that is our daily lot. Kailash shows how chanting, both alone and with others, can quiet and stabilize our minds, expand our hearts, elevate our emotions, and reduce our self-centeredness...yielding direct, sustained experience of the Divine.