Episode 56 – Japan, You Crazy!

Monkey in the Cage Productions show

Summary: Well, today is election day in the United States. The day we finally find out how pissed we actually get if our candidate loses, how screwed we are if this proposition passes or that measure fails, and threats to move to Canada start flying faster than mashed potatoes in a cafeteria food-fight. But, do not despair, for not only do we stop being bombarded with political ads, we here at To-Ag Studios bring you a bolt of crazy awesomeness to brighten your day. Join us this week as we discuss our fascination with the insanity that is Japanese pop-culture! Hold on tight to your companions pillows, because it's about to get crazier than a vending machine dressed as a tentacled school-girl on this week's unintentionally (but probably) offensive episode of Monkey in the Cage!