BOTNS #167: A Crime Fiction Readalong with Soho Press

Books on the Nightstand show

Summary: This week, a few announcements and then a special interview with Juliet Grames, Senior Editor at Soho Press, who describes her 10-book crime fiction read-along project.   ( A few announcments:   After last week's podcast where I mentioned the 2 Knit Lit Chicks podcast (, we got notes and emails from other Books on the Nightstand listeners who are also knitters. In an effort not to let our yarn take over the blog and forums, I've set up a Books on the Nightstand Ravelry group ( Head over there if you want to chat about knitting and reading with other friends of Books on the Nightstand. Michael and I want to meet more of you! So as an experiment, we are going to have a BOTNS meetup at a bookstore author event! If you are anywhere near Madison, CT, please come hang out with us. Debut author Chris Pavone ( will be appearing at RJ Julia Booksellers ( promote his new novel, The Expats ( Michael and I both enjoyed it (you'll be hearing more about it very soon), and we thought this would be a great event to share with you. The event starts at 7pm, and we'll meet in the RJ Julia cafe at 6pm to socialize with any BOTNS'ers that can join us. Details are on our Facebook page (, and you can RSVP to us there or drop us an email ( to let us know you are coming. The event is free to attend, but you will also need to register at RJ Julia so they know how many people to expect. Hopefully, these meetups will be something that we can do in other parts of New England, too. Let us know if it's something that interests you.   A Crime Novel Read-along (06:05)   Today we feature an interview with Soho Press ( Senior Editor Juliet Grames, who is embarking on a year-long reading project to educate herself about the origins and influences of crime fiction. As part of that project, Juliet is launching a 10-book read-along for 2012, and we are going to join in. You should listen to the podcast to hear Juliet talk about the project -- her enthusiasm is what got us so excited -- but here are the details: Each month Juliet will choose one book to be read. On one of the following Tuesdays, she'll write a blog post talking about some interesting back-story that goes along with that novel. Then a few weeks later, on a specified date, we'll all have a discussion about the book via comments on the blog. At that time, Juliet will also announce the next book. As soon as we have a real URL, we'll post it, but it will be linked from the Soho Press ( website. The first book is Edgar Allan Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue, which is actually a short story. We'll discuss the book on the Soho press blog on March 20th. We'll post reminders and the specific blog URLs at Books on the Nightstand and also on our Facebook and Goodreads pages. We'll also set up a folder in our Goodreads group where we can talk about the books as we read them. We'll also announce each month's book on the podcast. You can find the story in any number of anthologies, and online to read free through Project Gutenberg ( I think I will check out the Librivox audio recording ( During Juliet's interview, she also mentioned The Big Sleep ( by Raymond Chandler, and  The Boy in the Suitcase ( by Lene Kaaberbøl and Agnete Friis.   Two books Juliet can't wait for us to read (26:00):