BOTNS #186: An In-Person Podcast

Books on the Nightstand show

Summary: Ann and Michael answer questions "live" from Booktopia Oxford ( Apologies to all of you for the sound quality of some of this episode. It was recorded and edited on the go, without all of our usual equipment and programs. During the podcast (which we recorded at the University of Mississippi Museum ('s Theora Hamblett ( room) we answered many questions including: "Which publishers do Ann and I really sell?" "What's an imprint?" "How did we get started in the book industry?" "Should authors use social media to promote their books?" "What are some of our favorite short story collections?" and, "Is publishing on its last legs?" Some of the books discussed include Fifty Shades of Grey (, Superman: Earth One (, Moomin (, Strange Pilgrims (, How to Breathe Underwater (, Things That Fall From the Sky (, A Good Man is Hard to Find (, The Girl in the Flammable Skirt (, Knockemstiff (, Wild (,  and The River Witch ( And finally, one of our attendees stumped us. She was looking for books that are not sad or depressing, but that aren't fluffy or shallow either. So give a call to our voice mail (209.867.7323) and tell us about a charming or funny book that goes deeper.