Bookkeeping - The Secret to Long Term Profitability

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: Bookkeeping is the backbone of portfolio management.  Good bookkeeping provides the basis of feedback which is essential to working with advisors, obtaining financing, reducing taxes and making sound business decisions.  Bad bookkeeping costs investors untold millions of dollars in wasted time and missed opportunities.  The Real Estate Guys™ sit down with a QuickBooks Certified Pro Advisor for practical tips and valuable insights specific to real estate investors.  Don't let sloppy records hold you back!  Tune in and discover how to gain control of your records and cash flow using simple bookkeeping systems. The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show podcast provides education, information, training and resources to help investors make money with their real estate investing.  Learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter at