Creative Solutions to Today’s Property Problems

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: If necessity is the mother of invention, then distress is the mother of creativity.  And if you’ve ever been in a brainstorming session, you know the best ideas come from getting lot of people talking.   It’s also true that the brightest, most experienced people often have a lot to say. So for today’s episode we invited a guy who’s been finding interesting ways to close deals and generate profits - even in a "bad" economy. When you can buy property for below replacement cost, it seems like it would be obvious how to make money.  But then again, properties are selling below cost for a reason.  And the paths to profits for problem properties aren’t always obvious or easy, which is exactly why creative real estate investors are enjoying this market.  When solutions aren’t apparent, even well-capitalized players aren’t bidding - which opens the door for smaller, more imaginative investors.  Tune in to Robert, Russ and special guest David Campbell and unleash the real estate artist inside of you! The Real Estate Guys™ Radio Show and podcast provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to helps real estate investors succeed. For more information and to subscribe to the free newsletter, visit