Getting to the Next Level - Are You Ready for a Coach?

The Real Estate Guys Radio Show - Real Estate Investing Education for Effective Action show

Summary: Elite achievers in every profession use coaches to provide training, accountability, motivation and encouragement.  But what about real estate investors?  And what exactly does a coach do? We were curious, so we headed out to sunny (but freezing) Salt Lake City, Utah to pay a visit on Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Coaching.  Once inside the the safe and warm confines of the Rich Dad Coaching offices, we thawed out our microphones and sat down to interview Eric Lloyd, the Director of Rich Dad Coaching.We were already sold on the importance of coaching, but Eric helps us understand what a coach does, how to pick a good one, what to expect when being coached and how to work effectively with a coach once you have one.Whether you have a coach, want a coach, aren't ready or aren't sure, this episode will help give you important perspectives on what it is to have a real estate investing coach.  Game on! The Real Estate Guys™ radio show provides real estate investing news, education, training and resources to help real estate investors succeed.  To learn more and subscribe to the free newsletter, visit