Jack Benny – Through Romantic Hawaii. 341104

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: In trying to tell a joke about a travelling salesman, a farmer, and a farmer's daughter, Jack gets preempted as each point of his story are picked apart by each of the cast. Don's number gets snipped. The cast talk about Jack's acting ability in his latest film. In keeping with the theme of recent shows, Jack features another fake guest entertainer, Jack interviews a lady singer. Will the opera soprano ever get around to singing, or just crack jokes with Jack? Frank Parker has his song snipped. In honor of the first radio station broadcasting Jack's show in Hawaii, he dedicates a travelog documentary about the islands. With some appropriate mood music, Jack narrates as we arrive on ship in port. The word picture continues in comic fashion as only Jack's crazy puns can present it to us. Enjoy the sights, sounds, food, and attractions, all as described by Jack... Ya hear me? Oops, that was the catch phrase from olast week. Don't worry we haven't seen the last of that running gag yet. Schlepperman pops into the scene to burst Jack's bubble, and reveal secret about the trip.