Jack Benny – Jack Is Sick After Being Robbed Of 10,000 Dollars. 451104

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: On a morning drive to the studio, Rochester changes a flat tire. Making a stop in a drugstore, Jack encounters an autograph seeking kid. Phil Harris joions him, along with Cass Daily. Larry Stevens sings, It Isn't Even Spring. After a couple quick jokes at the band's expense, Jack takes a treat to Mary. Amid the jokes on love, Jack gets in a jab towards his favorite comic rival, Fred Allen. Phil plays some travelling music, and Jack continues to get ready for the show. The telephone operators, Mabel and Gertrude swing into action to gossip about Jack. More travelling music from Phil finds us visiting jack in his dressing room, and a prade of characters that include Frank Nelson as his barber, Mel Blanc as the inspector who has been investigating the robbery of last week. Jack's publicity agent is on hand to claim the robbery was also just a publicity stunt, then begins to lay out plans for a big contest. A contest that will cost Jack $10k in prizes. What kind of a contest could that be? Stay tuned to learn all the details in upcoming eppisodes. Larry Stevens closes by singing, Until the End of Time. Note: the tires on Jacks car are said to be Generals. The early sponsor of the show once claimed it's tires were free from blowouts. I suppose the wartime use of rubber caused folks to run them much more thin than the manufacturer recommended. For those who might not remember, Mel Blanc was the robber from last week. Now he's the inspector? Good character acting, oris Jack just a trusting soul?