ROOM 11 - June 2011: John Peel, Henry Hemming, Joel Stickley, New Writers UK

The Reading Room show

Summary: <br> <br> <br> On June's programme, The <a href="">Reading Room Book Group</a> review <a href=";tag=therearoo07-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738&amp;creativeASIN=0552551198">Margrave Of The Marshes</a>, the autobiography of much missed radio legend John Peel, written shortly before his death in 2004 and completed by his wife Sheila.  We also talk to author <a href="">Henry Hemming</a> about his book <a href=";tag=therearoo07-21&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738&amp;creativeASIN=0719522226">In Search of the English Eccentric</a>, Lincolnshire's new Poet Laureate <a href="">Joel Stickley</a> performs his first specially commissioned poem "Theddlethorpe", we hear from <a href="">New Writers UK</a>, further nominations for our <a href="">101 Books To Read Before You Die</a> come from comedian Richard Herring and our very own Gill Hart, and our Tea Break Story comes from <a href="">Sarah Ann Juckes</a>. <br> <br> Click on the player below to listen online or subscribe to the podcast using the buttons to the right...<br>