A Lesson in Orecchiette

The Culinary Institute of America show

Summary: A chef in Puglia should be a talented pasta maker, or know someone who is. Unlike pasta in the Italian north, fresh pasta in Puglia is made only with hard durum-wheat semolina flour and water. The Pasta Makers at Antichi Sapori Restaurant make Orecchiette, Little Ears, by hand and then Chef Zito will use them in a traditional dish made with garden fresh greens in this segment on the Food and Wine of Puglia produced by The Culinary Institute of America, in association with the Regione di Puglia<br> <a href="http://cia.podbean.com/mf/web/fv8b9x/Puglia5_zito_orecchietta.m4v">Download Podcast Video</a><br>