Camera Position 82 : Beauty Begs to be Recorded

Jeff Curto's Camera Position show

Summary: “Many times beauty begs to be recorded and it is only later that its position in the overall order of things becomes apparent.” So said podcast listener Bryant Johnson, a sentence that made me think about how we photograph and the ways that we can produce work just by looking and responding.<br> After our time talking about project planning, I thought this was a great way to segue into a discussion of beauty, photographic impulse and how this picture of a cloud taught me a few things.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Links for this podcast:<br> <br> * <a title="Visit Bryant's website" href="" target="_blank">Bryant Johnson’s Website</a><br> * <a title="Link to Evidence of Hands on Stone Folio" href="" target="_blank">LensWork</a> – Link to Jeff’s new Folio<br> * <a title="Fred Picker's great zone system book" href=";tag=camerposit-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=081740574" target="_blank">Fred Picker’s Zone VI Workshop book at Amazon</a><br> * <a title="Friend me on Facebook" href="" target="_blank">Friend Jeff on Facebook</a><br> * <a title="Follow me on Twitter" href="" target="_blank">Follow Jeff on Twitter</a><br> * <a title="See other video pieces on my YouTube channel" href="" target="_blank">Jeff’s Channel on YouTube</a><br> <br>