DDOcast Episode 94 (11-15-08)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features the wrapup to the Stormreach Mayoral Election along with an interview about Rowanheal and Steiner-Davion's visit to Turbine headquarters! There's also news, events and more. Thanks so much for listening! www.ddocast.com :42 Speaking about Massively Speaking 4:30 MassiveGamer.com Article 6:17 Tuesday Patch and Release Notes 9:45 Hireling Previews! 13:40 Buy Back, come Back!!! 14:27 DDO-Europe.com Game Guides 14:40 DX10 Screenshot Congrats 15:02 Stormreach Mayoral Election Final Special 22:50 Election Thanks 24:02 Interview: Rowanheal and Steiner-Davion - Turbine HQ Visit 43:37 DDO-Europe 2008 Modeling Competition 46:12 Mrs. Khyber 2008 46:38 Veterans Day DDO and Xiloscient Video 46:59 3-In-1 Puzzle Solver by Semargl 47:20 Sphinx's Guide to the Abbot now on DDOcast.com 46:56 Ask the Devs - Hireling Edition! Call for Questions Total Time: 49:25