DDOcast Episode 101 (1-17-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features news about prestige enhancements, microtransactions and more! Lessah takes on a troll in ''Know Your Role'', Mical the Wise looks at Level 8 spells on ''The Caster Corner'' and Xiloscient answers a question from Turbine on ''Xilo Vs. Stormreach!'' Thanks so much for listening! www.ddocast.com :41 Intro :57 At-Will Powers/Eternal Wands 3:30 Abbot Raid Changes Mod 9! 6:36 Turbine Wins MMORPG.com Award 6:52 Microtransaction Talk 19:00 Downtime 19:47 Rogue Assassin and Mechanic Prestige Enhancements 22:16 Monk Class Granted Feats Levels 17-20 24:00 Racial Capstone Enhancements? 24:44 Hirelings Issues 26:03 DDO Europe Forum Changes Coming 26:55 Report Mail Button Fix Coming 27:25 Xilo Vs. Stormreach 30:33 Know Your Role 33:45 The Caster Corner 36:56 Argo: Yaga Nub's Dodge-a-Thon 37:52 Khyber: Lunar New Year Celebration 39:28 Thelanis: Ladies-Only Super Bowl Raiding 40:22 Raiyea's Cookies! 40:52 Omnific's Eberron Comic 41:22 HolyAlliance's Video Trailer 41:40 Kalanth's New Video! 43:08 DDOcast Number 1! 44:07 Alex Gets a Column! 45:08 DDOcast on DDO Wiki Total Time: 46:10