DDOcast Episode 105 (2-14-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features news and a discussion with Oleg about Lord of the Rings Online and what it could bring to DDO. BigBadBarry talks about Shan-to-Kor loot and good loot to trade between characters on ''From the Treasure Trove'', Xiloscient talks about ways to increase damage on ''Xilo vs. Stormreach'', Mical the Wise discusses equipment slot ideas on ''The Caster Corner'' and Rheebus checks in with the ''Top Ten Ways to Know if the Party Hates you, Mr. Sorcerer''! Thanks so much for listening. www.ddocast.com 1:33 Loot and XP Weekend 2:57 Valentine's Screenshot Contest 3:28 Europe Loot and XP/Valentines 3:57 Stalwart Defender 5:52 Attack-Activated Wands 6:32 Map Resizing 6:50 Bounty Bags 8:15 Restless Isles 8:30 Lessah's Video! 9:12 Forum Changes 9:45 From the Treasure Trove 15:14 Xilo Vs. Stormreach 17:46 The Caster Corner 22:10 Rheebus Top Ten 27:00 New Player DDO Blog by Carliee 27:47 Sanadil's Planner Update 28:27 Oleg's LOTRO report and discussion 53:37 Email TOTAL TIME: 56:53