DDOcast Episode 106 (2-22-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week features news and other thoughts along with a look at the Madstone Boots in ''Inside the Treasure Trove'' and a discussion on pure class vs. splashing Monks on ''Inside the Monestary''. Thanks so much for listening! :25 Intro 2:25 Mod 9 and Anniversary Talk 3:58 New DDO.com Forums 5:45 LFHSS - Looking for Hireling Stuck Spots 6:40 Downtime 7:11 Valentine's Screenshot Awards 7:37 Plat4Loot Parody Commercial 9:03 From the Treasure Trove 14:00 Dusk Heart 15:55 Inside the Monestary 21:30 Elf Beauty Contest 22:10 Caffeine Full Tome Set Video 22:34 New DDO Comic 22:54 Recent Press and Thoughts 30:40 T-shirt? 31:15 New Player Advice: Vendors and Air Elementals 36:50 Email: Guild Housing END TOTAL TIME:39:32