DDOcast Episode 107 (2-28-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features all sorts of Mod 9 News along with a look at the Firestone Greaves in ''From the Treasure Trove''. Good events and stuff too. Thanks for listening! Happy 3rd Anniversary DDO! Episode 107 :15 Introduction 2:00 Paiz Letter 2:30 Shared Bank Tab 4:30 Chat Channels 6:00 Tab Changes 8:50 Combat Feedback Changes 10:35 New Spells! 19:50 Pics 21:20 Loot and Xp! 23:00 Anniversary-Europe 24:23 Codemasters Poll: +1 Loot? 24:40 Videos! 26:56 Ranger Capstone 29:20 Threnal East Change 30:11 Abbot coming in Mod 9 20:46 Armor Class Bug Fix 31:55 Downtime talk 32:34 From the Treasure Trove - Firestone Greaves 35:48 New Zazzle T-Shirt 36:30 Thelanis: Monthly Ladies Raids 37:10 Thelanis: 3rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade 37:35 New Player Tip-Korthos 41:14 Correction 41:55 Sanadil's Crafting Planner 42:27 Fade2Black UI Skin 43:00 End TOTAL TIME: 44:20