DDOcast Episode 109 (3-21-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: Xiloscient joins me this week for a shorter show featuring some cool news about what to expect in Mod 9! BigBadBarry talks Invaders items in ''From the Treasure Trove'' and Mical the Wise looks at some caster gear on ''The Caster Corner''. Thanks so much for listening! www.ddocast.com DDOcast Episode 109 (3-21-09) :10 Intro 1:15 Raid Flagging Changes 4:28 Quest Sharing 6:28 Map Improvements 8:10 Amrath 9:49 Escapist May Mayhem 10:57 DDO-Europe Bonus Week! 12:00 Video Contest Winner 12:25 Voice Acting and Cut Scenes Talk 13:30 Splash Screen 14:17 From the Treasure Trove 18:03 The Caster Corner 20:06 Event: Sarlona Battledome! 22:39 Rav'n's Songs 22:55 Email 26:26 The Plougboys, ''Stump Jump'' END TOTAL TIME: 30:09