DDOcast Episode 117 (5-17-09).mp3

DDOcast show

Summary: This week the guest host is Alex Haddox while Jerry is out on holiday. We cover the few bits of news, a rant about the monk class by Alex Haddox, more Heal or Die with Jerry Snook, Samus shares some Sound Concepts with us and Rheebus takes us on a tour of the Top 10 Uber Loots of the first five levels. Thanks so much for listening!DDOcast Episode 117 (5-17-09) 0:10 Intro 0:39 Scheduled Downtime 1:04 Motivational Poster Contest 2:01 Tell The Team 3:27 DDO Facebook Fan Page 3:39 Alex plugs his podcast, Practical Defense 4:40 Alexs Monk Rant 8:57 Heal or Die 14:06 Sound Concepts 20:34 Top 10 38:42 Close TOTAL TIME: 39:37