DDOcast Episode 120 (6-6-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features an interview with Smitey from over on DDO-Europe along with a cool tune from Todd Mauldin. Steiner-Davion talks armor rituals on ''definitive collectibles'' and Samius offers up more ''Sound Concepts'' of leadership. Thanks for listening! www.ddocast.com DDOcast Episode 120 (6-6-09) :15 Intro 1:15 Upcoming ''big announcement'' 9:15 Downtime 9:35 Mod 9, part 2 a possibility? 10:35 Mod 10 talk! 13:17 Tell the Team: Banner Ads 15:35 Anonymous LFM-Mod 9 17:30 Fan Art Winner, Week 2 18:25 Codemasters Job 18:59 Definitive Collectibles 22:50 Sound Concepts 30:20 Smitey Interview 55:20 Argo: Bromance Challenge 56:09 Amabel's latest chat 56:40 Emails 1:02:50 Todd Mauldin - Kill to Live END TOTAL TIME: 1:05:12 ###