DDOcast Episode 124 (7-4-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features guests co-hosts Cowdenicus and Xiloscient along with an interview with Sigurd from Ghallanda about his upcoming PvP tournament. Samius talks character considerations on ''Sound Concepts, Big Bad Berry answers some emails on ''From the Treasure Trove'' and Rheebus has his top ten requests for Eberron Unlimited in ''Rheebus' Top Ten''. Thanks so much for listening! www.ddocast.com :15 Intro and Welcome 3:44 DDO-Japan shutting down 9:25 Ten Ton Hammer and Massively press articles, favored souls, the DDO Store and more 23:15 Downtime talk 24:55 Dnote comment on NDA 25:40 China govt and gold farming news 40:40 DDO:U announcement impact 38:04 Sound Concepts 48:11 From the Treasure Trove 55:48 Rheebus' Top Ten 1:08:23 Sigurd Interview - Deadliest Warrior PvP Tournament 7/12 on Ghallanda 1:17:36 Poster/Fan Art stuff 1:18:29 Emails END TOTAL TIME: 1:41:57 ###