DDOcast Episode 147 (12-12-09)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features the latest news on a hotfix, Update Two, Mod 10/11/Festivult in Europe, Prestige Enhancements and more! In addition, the show ends with the song ''I Love Dungeons and Dragons'' from Jez Lawrence from Leeds in the UK! Very cool. Thanks so much for listening. :15 Intro 1:00 Hotfix! 2:08 Mug 2:48 Europe Update: Mod 10/11/Festivult and Satine letter 11:10 Eladrin and PrE talk, Wizard Pale Master I 13:20 Turbine Lawsuit update 14:40 Loot and Difficulty 17:20 Press Links 18:26 Wiki down... 18:46 IRC German DDO group 19:15 Store talk 20:15 DDOHerald 21:00 DDOcast news 22:25 Voice Mail 25:35 Emails 33:09 Song: Jez Lawrence - I Play Dungeons and Dragons END TOTAL TIME: 36:49 ###