DDOcast Episode 149-2009 in Review

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features a group chat taking a look at DDO over 2009, a huge year for the game. Joining me is Lessah, Rowanheal, Samius and Steiner-Davion, for a look at the ten most significant milestones in DDO history from the past year. This show also features a great ''Masterwork Theatre'' by Clankenbeard and Lessah, ''T'was the Night Before New Years.'' Thanks for listening! ### DDOcast Episode 149 - 2009 Year in Review - (1-2-10) :15 Intro 4:45 Clankenbeard (and Morah's) Masterwork Theatre-Twas the Night Before New Years 12:39 DDOcast Build Guild Update 13:30 Year in Review 2009 Starts 14:45 #10 - Mod 9, When??? 21:48 #9 - Risia's dead, long live Lammania! 28:21 #8 - Cannith and Orien, meet your older siblings 33:10 #7 - Visit MyTwitter.com/Facebook/DDO 44:50 #6 - Alert! There are six, no, four people killing orcs! 54:55 #5 - Swinging in the rain, grazing on a miss. 1:02:00 #4 - The end (game) is here 1:15:30 #3 - A new portal in Stormreach, or ''at least they didn't call it unobtainium!'' :) 1:35:35 #2 - Roll 1d6 for compensatory damages. 1:41:13 #1 - Just have to listen. For free! 1:59:25 Extra Credit, Errata and other happenings 1:59:45 First Person View 2:02:00 shr qst plz 2:06:00 TDM a bad DM 2:09:13 Marketplace! 2:11:08 Icons, updates and other errata 2:24:20 Other updates, classes and more 2:26:40 Event events and community events END TOTAL TIME: 2:38:49 ###