DDOcast Episode 153 (1-30-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features the latest on Update 3 and a ton of submitted goodness. Cedwin offers up theme music! Samius and Lessah (and Morah!) join us for a good chat, Rheebus offers up some tank tips and thoughts and Alex Haddox brings back ''Inside the Monestary.'' Thanks so much for listening! ### DDOcast Episode 153 (1-30-10) :14 Intro 1:38 Correction... 2:47 Update 3 (and 4!) 3:45 In-Game Web Access Coming 5:17 +1 Weapons in DDO Store Ending? 7:00 New Turbine Point structure 8:17 Dungeon Alert feedback 9:27 Press links: TTH and MMORPG Update 3 Previews 10:00 Heroic Surge, Crowd Control latest 12:27 Lawsuit news 13:10 Cryptmoss Infusion ad 14:08 Inside the Monestary 15:15 Know Your Sound Concepts? Lessah and Samius 39:46 Rheebus chats tanks 55:20 Kipling Vranch, attorneys at law... 56:40 Eberron Chronicle 57:16 Memnir - Player Spotlight by Turbine 58:03 Mustardo returns 58:13 Codemasters DDO Trivia winners 58:54 Yak Cast 10 58:07 Voice mail and chat 1:12:30 Emails 1:29:08 Errata END TOTAL TIME: 1:32:37 ###