DDOcast Episode 170 (6-5-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features guests Samius and Steiner-Davion along with callers on our live Ustream chat! We discuss the latest news, including Lotro's game-changer, Update 5 on Lammania and more. Ryz has a second excellent ''OCD Gamer'' in which he discusses inventory, Rheebus has part 2 of his Top Ten Easy Loot Runs on ''Rheebus' Top Ten'' and Alex chats about enhancements available to both monk paths in ''Inside the Monestary.'' We also have the third and final part of our DDOcast Poster contest! Thanks for listening. ### DDOcast Episode 170 (6-5-10) :05 Introductions 4:50 Downtime Notice 6:00 Lotro Goes F2P 15:00 First Call - Dice Talk 27:15 Guild Changes/Airships Chat 37:30 New Quests, Spoiler light 42:45 More Update 5 Stuff 1:33:30 Europe Status/More Update 5 1:18:30 Rheebus' Top Ten - Top Ten Loot Runs Pt. 2 1:33:27 Morah Goes Missing - DDOcast Poster Contest Pt 3 1:41:16 OCD Gamer 2 - Inventory 1:48:07 Inside the Monestary - Enhancements for both paths 1:54:40 Community Notes, Emails and More END TOTAL TIME: 2:08:44 ###