DDOcast Episode 173 (6-26-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features guest co-hosts Lessah, Anne and Sigfried where we chat about Update 5 on the eve of its release. AvariceGold has a Premium Review of the update as well. There's also lots of great community stuff and news. Thanks for listening! ### DDOcast Episode 173 (6-26-10) :15 Intro, PaizoCon and more 4:50 Update 5 is here! Nerfs, quests and awesomeness 11:55 Raiding's future? 17:25 Europe's future... 21:18 Lammania stuff 26:00 Guild renown 31:00 Airship costs and guild efforts 39:07 Lag, nerf-dealing and want-lists 1:00:45 Shintao changing/Master's Touch 1:07:27 AvariceGold's premium review - Update 5 1:15:35 Community Notes 1:25:04 DDO Store 1:29:22 Emails and errata END TOTAL TIME: 1:39:11 ###