DDOcast Episode 175 (7-9-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This weeks show features guests Rowanheal, Steiner-Davion and Holger from DDO-Daily.com. We also have a chat with Coldin about the new Trapmaking mechanic in DDO. We discuss Update 5, guilds, the latest news and more. Ryz has his latest OCD Gamer and The Brute had his second Unlocking the Vault. Thanks so much for listening! ### DDOcast Episode 175 (7-9-10) :15 Intro 2:25 Alignment Changes here 4:10 Auction House issues addressed 5:00 Guild Leaderboards, guild talk and guild items 26:24 Guild Charter price drop and amenities 29:00 Festivult 33:20 Airshp post by Keeper 34:20 Eberron Chronicle 37:46 Unlocking the Vault 2 48:10 OCD Gamer 52:35 Community Notes 58:25 Cleric Tip: Life and Death 1:06:08 End Game talk 1:21:10 Talking Trapmaking with Coldin 1:40:50 Shield 1:48:40 Emails/Upd 1 Patch on Lammania END TOTAL TIME: 2:13:46 ###