DDOcast Episode 176 (7-17-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features guests Psycho the Angry Drow, Ashkroth, Lessah and Steiner-Davion in addition to several callers to our live show. Alex Haddox has ''Inside the Monestary'' and The Brute has the latest installment of ''Unlocking the Vault.'' We discuss guilds, airships, the latest news and more. ### DDOcast Episode 176 (7-17-10) :15 Intro 2:30 Psycho the Angry Drow and the Rant Squad 11:00 Airship talk 14:00 Underwater Combat talk 22:35 Lammania patch update Release Notes 30:28 First Phone Call, Guild Safety 40:40 Guild Decay 44:50 Massively.com interviews Fernando Paiz and Guild talk 57:50 Second Phone Call 1:04:10 Mordor of Bust/TP Cards/Parental Controls 1:05:45 Lua Script/Lotro 1:09:40 TTH Reviews DDO, AH Search, DT Crafting and more 1:18:40 Inside the Monestary - Touch of Death and Ninja Spy PrE 1:27:47 Unlocking the Vault 3 1:39:47 Community Notes 1:52:23 Emails END TOTAL TIME: 2:20:47 ###