DDOcast Episode 177 (7-25-10)

DDOcast show

Summary: This week's show features guests Lessah, Samius, Rowanheal and Steiner-Davion where we talk about the closure of DDO's European Servers in addition to the other latest news. Anne and Sigfried have a great ''Crunchy Bits'' about Update 5 Prestige Enhancements, The Brute discusses the Age of Giants in ''Unlocking the Vault'' and Clankenbeard has a really funny ''Clerical Errors'' in search of the perfect armor. We also feature the music of Tragic November at the end of the show. ### DDOcast Episode 177 (7-25-10) :15 Intro 7:55 DDO Europe shutdown and transfer 34:40 TP Cards at Gamestop 37:50 Patch 1 to Update 5 and bugs 42:15 Renown changes 49:50 Another guild theft 50:35 TTH interview and Zam article 1:01:45 Risia Ice Games, Repeater bug, Top Hats, GenCon 1:05:10 Crunchy Bits - Upd 5 Prestige Enhancements 1:13:00 Pale Master and Radiant Servant talk 1:20:45 Unlocking the Vault - The Age of Giants 1:30:20 Clerical Errors #8 - Finding good armor 1:35:40 Community Notes 1:45:30 Emails 2:07:40 Tragic November - Dust END TOTAL TIME: 2:12:34 ###