DDOcast ep 178/ Ask the Devs 12

DDOcast show

Summary: Hi Everyone! Episode 178 of the DDOcast is now ready to go! This week, Jerry is moving so he has mistakenly handed over his show to a bunch of amateurs and miscreants! Lessah, Clankenbeard, and sometimes Samius Gurobo do their best to muddle through the news and community events and The Brute checks in with ''Unlocking The Vault.'' The most important thing however, is the next installment of Ask The Dev's is included in this show! You might hear ''Sock-Puppet Jerry'' in there somewhere and Psycho Da Angry Drow and The Rant Squad has a terrific song ''Don't Worry Be Tappy.'' On a personal note, doing a live show is very intimidating and there are ten thousand things that can go wrong (and did!). Jerry makes it look so easy! Props to him and please get your computer hooked up soon! Intro: 00:00:10 Jerry Impersonations 00:03:27 Celebrating Jerry's Birthday! (Happy 69th) 00:04:21 Downtime on Monday 00:06:02 Ask the Devs 00:40:06 The Show must go on (Samius Audio Epic Fail!) 00:40:52 Chatroom Trivia and DDO Points giveaway! 00:43:03 Jaklee's possible scoop for Update 6 00:43:53 Sock-Puppet Jerry 00:44:14 Update 6 Notes 00:44:46 Become a VIP for only $9.99/ month 00:45:22 Featured Player Danteil 00:45:35 Featured Player Draccus 00:45:47 Featured Guild Legion of Eberron (on day I will say Ghallanda correctly!) 00:45:52 Podcast Month @producerglin http://twitter.com/producerglin 00:46:30 Monday July 26th Hotfix (Release Notes) http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Release_Notes_Update_5_Patch_1_Hotfix_Official 00:47:15 Festival Jester and Risia Coins say g-bye 00:48:51 Unlocking the Vault w/ The Brute 00:56:11 Skill Enhancement Changes coming in Update 7 00:57:39 Codemaster's Security Update 00:58:27 Gamespy's Article about DDO 00:58:39 Turbine Download Manager gone? 00:59:18 Keeper's Cryptic post in MyDDO about revising a new public area 00:10:55 Anne Trent's Monster Minute: Mephits and Imps 01:01:35 DDO Daily's UI SKin Article and New Forums! 01:02:10 Email: ''Pain Tastes Pink'' 01:03:26 Clankenbeard chatroom trivia, DDO Points Giveaway! 01:04:51 Thanks to Jerry 01:05:23 Blast from the past, Clip from Episode 101, Micro transaction scoop! 01:07:34 Jerry's traditional signoff 01:08:15 Psycho Da Angry Drow and The Rant Squad's new song: Don't Worry Be Tappy 01:11:38 Outro